- Disband all ALEC Task Force groups and do not accept lawmakers as members.
- Make publicly available online the full archives of all proposed and passed ALEC model legislation, including sponsors.
- Make publicly available online a comprehensive list of current and past legislative and corporate members.
State Governmental Authorities
State Lawmakers:
- Do not associate with ALEC.
- Disclose current and past affiliations with ALEC. Release public information detailing attendance at ALEC convenings, participation in ALEC Task Forces, and communications with or facilitated by ALEC officials.
- Amend state open meetings laws to ensure they cover lawmakers’ activities at ALEC meetings.
- Amend state open records laws permitting public access to information and materials relating to all interactions between ALEC and lawmakers.
Attorneys General
- Investigate whether ALEC’s lobbying activities violate state laws governing the activities of charitable organizations.
District Attorneys and Prosecutors
- Use prosecutorial discretion to refuse to criminally prosecute individuals under statutes drawn from ALEC model legislation.
Federal Governmental Authorities
Internal Revenue Service
- Investigate whether ALEC’s lobbying activities violate federal laws governing the activities of charitable organizations.
Progressive Lawmakers in the U.S. Congress
- Hold hearings on the negative and widespread impact of ALEC’s activities on people of color across the U.S., with firsthand testimony from racial justice, Indigenous, and Palestinian rights organizations.
- Formally inquire into whether the Internal Revenue Service has begun investigating whether ALEC’s lobbying activities violate federal laws governing the activities of charitable organizations.
Private Sector
Journalists and Media Organizations
- Closely investigate the connections that conservative and pro-corporate state laws have to ALEC’s members, Task Force activities, annual meetings, and model legislation.
- Track bills across state legislatures that have originated from ALEC model legislation.
- Cover ALEC convenings, and publish as much information as possible.
- Utilize public records requests to obtain any internal ALEC documents, communications, and information that are in the public interest to publish.
Financial Supporters of Progressive Activism and Organizing
- Prioritize funding for organizations fighting corporate capture, with special consideration given to Black, Indigenous, female, queer, and/or immigrant-led organizations that adopt an intersectional critique of corporate capture.
Public Interest Organizations
Organizers and Movement Groups
- Continue cross-movement organizing to focus attention on ALEC.
- Continue pressing state lawmakers to not associate with ALEC.
Progressive Social Justice Organizations
- Focus research, advocacy, and legal activities on the impact ALEC has on people of color, beyond just the impacts ALEC’s activities have on democracy and good governance.